Software Vault: The Platinum Collection
Software Vault (The Platinum Collection)(American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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File List
330 lines
│ 49 - C, MS-C, Turbo-C, and Borland C++ │
3DBTTN.ZIP 5010 06-29-93 Borland Sample C Code For 3D Buttons.
3DPIC.ZIP 979 01-17-93 C Source Code For A 3D Rotating
| Picture.
7BIT10.ZIP 5831 10-24-93 Filter Converts High-ASCII Characters
| To 7Bit ASCII. Useful For Posting
| Material To Internet Or Usenet, Since
| Many Of The Net Machines Can't Handle
| The PC Graphics Characters. C Source
| Included.
811CQA.ZIP 8765 11-01-93 Microsoft sample C source code, wrapper
| API.
811WINQA.ZIP 6842 11-01-93 Microsoft sample C source code on
| multiple data segments.
812WINQA.ZIP 17918 11-23-93 Microsoft sample C source, pre-loading
| routines.
ACKKIT.ZIP 170489 06-20-93 Animation Construction Kit 3-D,
| executables and images. ACKSRC is
| source.
ACKSRC.ZIP 155504 06-20-93 Animation Construction Kit 3-D:
| Wolfenstein- like graphics library
| (includes C source code.
ACTLIB17.ZIP 95541 10-25-93 General purpose libraries for C/C with
| C src. Handy date/time, string, calc,
| and other functions with BCC source;
| v1.7.
APPMAK.ZIP 58537 09-14-93 AppMaker v1.3: Creates a skeleton for a
| Windows-based application with is
| compatible with Visual C and MFC 2.0.
| (update).
AUTOCTRL.ZIP 14319 10-25-93 Microsoft C sample source code, create
| automatic OLE controls.
BC31P4.ZIP 21174 07-03-93 Patch For Borland C With Application
| Frameworks regarding The TCOMBOBOX
| transfer Function.
BDC.ZIP 18385 05-29-93 Bulk Disk Copier. Contains the C source
| code and executable file that will read
| a floppy image into the hard disk, and
| then copy it back out to as many
| additional floppies as you wish.
BLFMATH.ZIP 50674 08-24-93 The complete C source code to sample
| vector and matrix classes.
BN2SRC.ZIP 22477 06-25-93 IBM EWS BIN2SRC utilities convert
| binary data files to equivalent high
| level structures that can be included
| directly into source code for C, MASM,
| or the RC compiler. (IBMnet).
BTRVRX.ZIP 15176 08-21-93 REXX Wrapper DLL for Btrieve. Public
| domain (as-is) C source code and DLL
| implementing a Btrieve external function
| (wrapper for BTRCALLS.DLL).
B_PLUSUD.ZIP 19601 06-13-93 B-Plus source code for C.
C0002.ZIP 14388 08-18-93 Usenet: comp.lang.c comp.lang.c Answers
| (Abridged) to Frequently Asked Questions
C0030.ZIP 29412 08-19-93 Usenet: comp.lang.c Friendly intro to
| CRC algorithms (with C code).
C7PATB.ZIP 48252 07-01-93 Microsoft C, v7, patch to make more
| effective use of memory.
CACODE.ZIP 194504 07-14-93 Caencode/Cadecode File Encoders v2.0,
| Source, OBJ, EXE.
CDLLIST.ZIP 4638 06-01-93 Circular linked-list source code in C.
CDMUSIC.ZIP 183124 06-15-93 Reads info from music CDs, lets you
| enter disk and track names, and saves it
| in Paradox-compatible data files.
| Requires CD-ROM drive and a Paradox
| compatible database. C source included.
CENVIW1.ZIP 152262 08-10-93 Cmm v1.0: C-- (Minus Minus) programming
| adds the power & flexibility of C to
| your batch files. Build stand-alone
| scripts or add to your DOS batch files.
CEXTRACT.ZIP 71724 08-08-93 Cextract v1.7: Ideal for generating
| header files for large multi-file C
| programs; cextract also functions as a
| rudimentary documentation extractor,
| generating a sorted list of all
| functions and their locations. FREEWARE,
| C source.
CFF51B.ZIP 243789 10-23-93 Culver's Fabulous Filesystem v5.1.
| Portable 32-bit filesystem and database
| engine for memory, and disk. DOS, UNIX,
| OS/2, WIN-NT.
CL121.ZIP 55540 08-19-93 CodeLister v1.21: Prints C source code
| files.
CLISTING.ZIP 265605 11-28-93 Borland C v3.1: Alphabetized function
| library!
CLT162.ZIP 182973 10-19-93 CLint v1.62: tool which reads the source
| files of your C programs, & generates
| reports about possible problems.
CONTROLS.ZIP 61479 07-17-93 MS Sample C Source Code to Interface
| Custom Controls to Dialog Editor.
CTC0002.ZIP 2611953 09-22-93 Second interim CSD for C Set. (1 of 1)
| C/C Compiler.
CUJ0793.ZIP 55247 07-09-93 Source code from the July 93 Issue of
| The C User's Journal magazine.
CUJ0893.ZIP 213595 03-10-93 Source code from the August 93 issue of
| The C User's Journal.
CUJ0993.ZIP 50055 08-08-93 Source code from the Sep 93 Issue of
| The C User's Journal.
CUJ9302.ZIP 39831 06-01-93 C User's Journal, Code and Info Feb 93
| issue.
CUJJUN93.ZIP 43006 05-02-93 C Users Journal vol. 11, issue 6, June
| 93.
CUJOCT93.ZIP 86337 10-11-93 C Users Journal v11, #10, Oct. 93.
DATE2YD.ZIP 13018 06-20-93 C source year/date conversion routines.
DDE4UI.ZIP 670710 04-21-93 C SET ICLUI online manual - INF version
| use OS/2 view command.
DI1233Z.ZIP 5020 09-03-92 C routines for Mouse, includes keypad
| emulation.
DI1244Z.ZIP 18078 07-14-92 CPP multitasking routines.
DLGMAIN.ZIP 54492 07-17-93 Borland C Owl Sample Code Makes Dialog
| Box in Main Window, PD.
DLLSKEL.ZIP 16907 07-02-93 Microsoft Sample C Source For Creating
| A Medium model DLL.
DUALDIAL.ZIP 4121 05-21-93 Borland OWL C sample source code for
| showing or hiding child window.
DVECTOR.ZIP 37802 08-11-93 Public domain C source code for
| vectors, sine & cosine.
ELISTB.ZIP 10794 05-15-93 C extended listbox for OS/2.
EMS4C10.ZIP 42543 08-07-93 EMS Library For C.
EMSIF24.ZIP 75514 06-27-93 EMS interface for Borland, Turbo or
| Microsoft C.
EMXRT.ZIP 145736 08-17-93 Runtime for EMX .08g, required for GNU
| Emacs v19.17 (FW).
EXEVIEW.ZIP 35966 07-01-93 Microsoft C source code sample for
| extracting information from .EXE files.
EXOSAM.ZIP 6829 06-15-93 Samples of C and Assembler code, which
| work with ExoSpace/Clipper.
F1HELP.ZIP 3832 05-27-93 Contains example for implementing F1
| Help for both menus and dialog boxes
| using a Windows hook procedure.
FABS_C.ZIP 6532 06-01-93 Fast data file access in C, with
| interfaces for Pascal and BASIC.
FGL302C.ZIP 44337 07-31-93 Fastgraph/Light graphics library v3.02
| C source code for the example programs
| in the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use with
| FGL302A.ZIP.
FGLC.ZIP 44546 08-08-93 Fastgraph/Light graphics library v3.02
| C source code for the example programs
| in the Fastgraph User's Guide. Use with
| FGL302A.ZIP.
FGLD.ZIP 42725 08-08-93 Fastgraph/Light graphics library v3.02
| BASIC source code for the example
| programs in the Fastgraph User's Guide.
| Use with FGL302A.ZIP.
GAMELIFE.ZIP 15418 10-28-93 Game of Life v1.0: Written in Borland
| C.
GAMLIB21.ZIP 149477 06-09-93 Mike's Game Graphics Library With C
| Source.
GEOANAL3.ZIP 68074 06-01-93 EoWorks Analyzer; A Collection Of C
| Files.
GFD.ZIP 13863 10-14-93 GFD. Generate Function Declarations.
| Generates func. Prototypes from .C files
| containing old 'C' style function
| definitions. Header files can
| automatically be generated from .C files
| using this tool. USE: GFD in [out].
GLNK0793.ZIP 87308 07-06-93 The Global-Link Network: Electronic
| Bulletin Board Service International
| Conference & Mail Network Information &
| Application Packet Over 400
| International Echo Conferences General
| Vendor Support Medical Join This Fast
| Growing Network Today! Using The .QWK
| Format.
HEAP20.ZIP 20317 10-05-93 Memory programming routines to increase
| processing speed.
KWTREE.ZIP 8075 08-26-93 Kwtree is C source for reading into an
| array all the directories on drive.
KYBDCTRL.ZIP 15759 08-24-93 OS/2 family mode (runs under DOS or
| OS/2) utility that controls the
| CapsLock, NumLock, and Scroll Lock. C
| source included.
LOGO2.ZIP 21449 05-13-93 Borland C OWL sample code for
| displaying logo at the start of a
| program while hiding main no docs.
LUMINET.ZIP 120864 09-04-93 LumiNet Tools v1.5: Create WP doc.
MANDEL2.ZIP 9887 10-12-93 Fractal with C/source code.
MERGSORT.ZIP 9395 08-28-93 List-based MergSort Example is a C
| routine for sorting singly-linked lists
| using a non-recursive merge sort
| algorithm.
MFC_BC.ZIP 6554 06-01-93 Text file on Borland C/C foundation
| classes.
MOUPP400.ZIP 46890 06-01-93 This is a C class library to control
| the mouse. It works in text and graphics
| mode. Borland C 3.0 or above is
| required.
MPEGSTAT.ZIP 159866 10-08-93 Statistics program for .MPG files.
MSJNETB.ZIP 17957 11-18-93 MSJ article about programming Netbios
| in 'C' Companion to netbiosp.ZIP source
| code. File is in text format.
MULTINST.ZIP 13085 07-14-93 Microsoft Sample C Source For Creating
| Multi-Instance DLL's.
NATLOG.ZIP 8117 10-18-93 MS C v6 source, makefile, and .EXE for
| program to compute 'e' to 5000 places.
NTX2.ZIP 8916 04-13-93 Updated versions of NTXPOS and NTXREC
| (C source and .OBJ modules).
NUM_CAP.ZIP 11404 09-05-93 NUM CAP is C source for toggling Num &
| Caps Lock.
OBENG101.ZIP 138186 08-31-93 Object Engine v1.01: A C class library
| that encapsulates the core functionality
| of the Paradox Engine database library.
ORBWHIRL.ZIP 48791 07-30-93 O R B I T W H I R L: Watch a storm of
| Mandelbrot-Set orbits whirl around on
| your screen. Freeware. VGA required.
OVRPROF.ZIP 9293 10-06-93 Overlay profiling routines from the
| Borland BBS.
OWLHOO.ZIP 79020 06-03-93 C/C OWL, uses Windows hook function to
| hook the keyboard.
P2C12GNU.ZIP 447641 08-15-93 GNU P2C Pascal to C translator,
| recognizes many Pascal dialects. C
| source code only, v1.20 in TAR format.
PCL4C40.ZIP 83936 10-28-93 Personal Communications Library for C
| RS232 MODEM 16550 DigiBoard COMM.
| Excellent!
PGEN_2.ZIP 90490 06-04-93 Parser Generator v2.0 for C.
PMWALKR2.ZIP 20528 06-26-93 C Source Code For Animated Icon.
RIE103.ZIP 141253 07-04-93 Rimrock Icon Editor v1.03 For TCXL.
| Creates Custom EGA/VGA Icons in "c" Form
| For Use With The TCXL Program Interface
| Libraries.
RTLSRC.ZIP 58006 07-01-93 Patch for Symantec C 6.0's run-time
| library source code.
SBLIB10.ZIP 20971 09-11-93 SBLIB: Routines for playing .VOC files
| on Sound Blaster from C programs.
| Freeware!
SHOWBOX.ZIP 9827 06-06-93 ShowBox is C source for a text-based
| message box.
SIZEDLG.ZIP 12004 09-03-93 SIZEDLG is an example of a resizeable
| OS/2 dialog box. Although you can easily
| assign a resizeable border to a dialog,
| I could find no examples of how to
| adjust the things inside, so I made one.
| This has been tested under OS/2 2.0 and
| 2.1 using EGA, CGA, and various VGA
| resolutions. C source and a project file
| for Borland C is included.
SOSUTL10.ZIP 21397 07-04-93 Directory tree drawer with source code
| (BC). Also includes a REXX FindFile
| script and PS Unix clone command
| (requires Perl). (FW).
STKTRACE.ZIP 12471 07-24-93 Sample Microsoft C Source For Stack
| Tracing.
STRPCHRT.ZIP 110301 07-10-93 This is a C graphics library to create
| strip charts on dot matrix printers. It
| has lots of features similar to very
| expensive dedicated strip chart hardware
| recorders.
STRPP212.ZIP 22938 06-19-93 A C string class for use with Borland C
| 3.0 and above. It has every imaginable
| option and includes source code.
TANKSIM.ZIP 55924 06-03-93 3-D wireframe simulator tank/helo with
| C source.
TCXL32.ZIP 477497 03-22-93 Norton Guides Database For Tcxl 6.1
| Libraries.
TDWGUI.ZIP 28987 09-07-93 Borland C/C example of calling a real
| mode Int from Win (21h, 69h).
TGE120.ZIP 133546 05-05-93 The Graphics Engine for C/C.
TGE129C.ZIP 182282 08-20-93 The Graphics Engine v1.29c (Beta): A
| VGA/SVGA Graphics Library For C/C
| Programmers, With Complete Source Code.
| TGE Has A Powerful Library Of Graphical
| & Mouse Interface Functions,
| Device-Independence, Support For
| Loadable Drivers & Fonts, Virtual
| Screens, Viewports & Advanced Clipping,
| Output Modes, Virtual Coordinates,
| Bitmap Scaling, And More.
TI_BC1.ZIP 46638 10-29-93 Collection of Borland Tecnical
| Information files relating to their C/C
| products. A 4DOS description file is
| included with descriptions for each
| file.
TOOLC.ZIP 15851 06-19-93 A Turbo C LIB.
TRIDR10A.ZIP 35892 06-01-93 TriDoor 1.0a: A library of Borland C
| and Turbo C routines for writing doors
| for systems like PCBoard, TriBBS, Gap,
| Spitfire, Wildcat!, RBBS, WWIV, etc.
| Very easy to use! This version includes
| a header file that was omitted from the
| original release.
TSRMCB.ZIP 33289 03-30-93 Borland sample C, TSR walks MCB chain
| when SysRq is pressed. With C.
UUPC11YT.ZIP 48587 04-17-93 UUPC/Extended Binaries And Source Code
| For The Windows Nt Version Of The
| Package.
V12N21.ZIP 77267 11-03-93 PC Mag Utilities with SRC, vol.12, #21.
| Includes MONTOR a new Win 3.x resource
| monitor.
VBKB_TIP.ZIP 608009 10-21-93 Visual Basic for Windows data from MS
| Knowledge Base data for VB.
VBTIPS_1.ZIP 76880 06-01-93 A text of Q&A on various Visual Basic
| problems.
WAR_C.ZIP 333391 04-29-12 LHARC compatible Windows & DOS
| archivers. This is FREE, and C source is
| included. modify and redistribute at
| will, but please keep credits intact and
| update MOD log.
WCAPLOCK.ZIP 17479 07-19-93 Makes caps lock key work like a
| typewriter (WIN).
WORMHOLE.ZIP 148664 04-14-93 VGA picture of a 3-D representation of
| a 1/x as x approaches 0. Kinda like a
| black hole. Comes with C source code.
WPSDBG.ZIP 13112 06-07-93 C Header For WPs-Som Application
| Debugging.
XFILED.ZIP 50916 09-08-93 XFILED demonstrates how to subclass the
| CFileDialog common dialog box. The
| derive class in this sample is very
| similar to the Visual C AppWizard dialog
| box. C source code included.
XLIB20.ZIP 63434 10-11-93 DOS extender library for C & Assembler.
XMS100JE.ZIP 59555 07-17-93 XMS library for C.
XPWNDG.ZIP 191938 08-25-93 TExplodeWindow and TExplodeDialog
| Classes allow you to add exploding
| Windows and dialog boxes to
| applications. Both classes are fully
| streamable and can reside in a resource
| file until needed. Source is included.
ZFRMS11D.ZIP 97382 09-06-93 Text-mode windowing/menuing libs. New
| version adds mouse support and sound.
| Easy to use, but very powerful! MSC6,
| Borland supported.
_VPAL.ZIP 42245 10-19-93 A 'C' library to change the palette in
| VGAText OR graphics modes! Also a fading
| function. Requires VGA.